[LeetCode] 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee explained

714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee
Solution 1: DP
There exists 2 states, and those can be expressed as:
Hence, we can use dynamic programming approach to this problem, representing state transfers.
= max(holding[i-1]
- prices[i])notHolding[i]
= max(notHolding[i-1]
+ prices[i] - fee )
Initializing base case shouldn’t be difficult,
= -prices[0]notHolding[0]
= 0
The ultimate answer is \(\max(holding[n-1], notHolding[n-1])\).
We can optimize space complexity into \(O(1)\). Implementation below does that.
Solution 2: DP & Greedy
Example test cases tell us many things.
From left to right, update those values with following definitions.
: current indexcurMin
: minimum price so farcurMaxProfit
: maximum profit so far
Say i=4
, then curMin
becomes 1 and curMaxProfit
= 8 - 1 - 2(fee) = 5.
Here we need to decide wether to buy price[4]
or not and it is always optimal to buy it when:
\(curMaxProfit + P - prices[i] - fee \gt P - curMin - fee\)
\(curMaxProfit + \bcancel{P} - prices[i] - \cancel{fee} \gt \bcancel{P} - curMin - \cancel{fee}\)
\(curMaxProfit \gt prices[i] - curMin\)
where P
denotes some huge price in the future.
Thus, we can pick prices to buy in a greedy way, by checking the above condition.
From left to right,
- if \(curMaxProfit \gt prices[i] - curMin\), then ans +=
. prices[i] is a newcurMin
now. - else if prices[i] <
, updatecurMin
value. - else update
Solution 1: DP
typedef vector<int> vi;
class Solution {
int maxProfit(vi &prices, int fee) {
int n= prices.size(), holding= -prices[0], notHolding= 0;
for (int i=1; i < n; ++i) {
int prevHolding= holding;
holding= max(prevHolding, notHolding-prices[i]);
notHolding= max(notHolding, prevHolding+prices[i]-fee);
return max(holding, notHolding);
Solution 2: DP & Greedy
typedef vector<int> vi;
class Solution {
int maxProfit(vi &prices, int fee) {
int n= prices.size(), curMin= prices[0], curMaxProfit= 0, ans= 0;
for (int i=1; i < n; ++i) {
if (curMin + curMaxProfit > prices[i]) {
ans += curMaxProfit;
curMin= prices[i];
curMaxProfit= 0;
else if (prices[i] < curMin) curMin= prices[i];
else curMaxProfit= max(curMaxProfit, prices[i]-curMin-fee);
ans += curMaxProfit;
return ans;
Solution 1
- Time: \(O(N)\)
- Space: \(O(N)\)
Solution 2
- Time: \(O(N)\)
- Space: \(O(1)\)
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